Wellness Day
Saturday, May 20th, 2017
10:00 am – 1:00 pm
7300 New Falls Road, Levittown PA 19055
Register online at https://goo.gl/forms/2XLs4iNXHWha2rNK2
Listed below is the day’s schedule as well as workshop choices and facilitators who will present. The registration forms are available in the church office or you can register online using the link above. Registration is free. Registrations should be completed by Monday, May 15th to help facilitators in planning the workshop space and preparing snacks. Please make every effort to register by this date.
10:00-10:30 am Sign-in and light snacks available, Reception Center
10:30 – 10:45 am Welcome & opening prayer, Sanctuary
11:00 – 11:45 am Workshop #1
12:00 – 12:45 pm Workshop #2
12:45 pm Adjourn
Prayer, an essential discipline for wellness:
During His earthly ministry, Jesus demonstrated His care for individuals’ physical well-being by miracles of healing that He performed. Prayer is a vital tool and weapon for the Christian. Is this practice of praying for healing and physical well-being relevant today? In the past few years, studies have proven that prayer plays a vital part in persons of faith, experiencing recovery and healing from various diseases. We will examine some of these testimonies. Janice Roberts will lead this informative workshop.
Visitation of sick and shut-in, a support for wellness:
Visitation of the sick and shut-in has been a part of the church’s traditional ministry for centuries. In the book of Acts, we find Peter and John healing a man lame from birth. When the man asked for alms, Peter said, “I have no silver or gold, but what I have I give you; in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, stand up and walk” (Acts 3:6). And Peter raised him to his feet, and the man walked and entered the temple, “leaping and praising God” (v. 8). Compassionate care for the sick set the church apart in the ancient world, and serves as an example for our church today. We visit the sick because Christians live in covenant with God and with one another. We visit in order to break through the isolation caused by illness. Even as God took the initiative and came to us in Christ, so we take the initiative in going to those who are sick. Join us for an informative workshop, which will equip and enlighten you on this vita ministry of the church. Sally Basdeo, our Minister of Visitation will lead the workshop.
Essential oil for everyday living, a support for wellness:
Using essential oils in everyday life is a powerful way to: Raise your mood, Support emotional healing, Build your immune system, Assist in first aid and pain relief, Clean the air in your environment, Release stress and combat symptoms of hypertension and anxiety, and Use as household products like cleaning products, bug repellent, and beauty.
As a life-blood of plant, essential oils have been used for thousands of years because of their potency; they are 50-70 times more powerful than herb equivalents. Essential oils are naturally anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-parasitic, anti-fungal, antiseptic, and anti-inflammatory. They are easily integrated into everyday living, and can be used topically, internally and aromatically. This session will explore essential oils to help you and your family live the life you deserve through natural solutions. This exciting, informative workshop is hosted by, Cathy Windland.
Hearing, essential to overall wellness:
Hearing loss affects all ages. Over 29 million Americans have experienced hearing loss. Studies show 1 in 3 people over the age of sixty have a measurable hearing loss. Charles Marcus, a Board-Certified Hearing Aid Specialist will present and provide information about hearing care, and diagnosis of hearing loss. The workshop will present and provide information about hearing evaluation, and offer free consultation to determine the best hearing options for individual hearing loss. Please attend this informative workshop, which promises to provide insight into how to maintain, correct, and improve individual hearing.
The Chiropractic and Injury Center, essential to overall wellness:
Dr. Frezza began his Chiropractic practice in Newtown PA in 1997 at the Newtown Holistic Center. It is at Newtown Holistic Center where he performed chiropractic adjustments, and provided nutritional advice. He is currently located in Levittown, and his office is now called the Chiropractic and Injury Center. Dr. Frezza seeks to integrate traditional chiropractic care with various holistic therapies. Dr. Frezza will provide an informative workshop on the health benefits associated with chiropractic care, as well as demonstrations to help maintain a healthy body.
Music Therapy, a support for wellness:
Studies have shown the importance of introducing many forms of musical expression to developing brains. Children who are exposed to music through singing, playing instruments as well as movement activities have increased levels short and long term memory as well as increased levels of concentration. “Brain breaks,” or time off to move, sing, and play is essential for stimulated brain activity. Now, this same activity has shown to have positive effects on the brains of aging adults. It has even had positive effects for Alzheimer’s patients, particularly with moods and memory.
Please join me and learn more about how you can use music for brain health as well as creating some positive energy in your lives. Shawn Moesch, music teacher at Emilie Day School and Hope Lutheran School will lead this fun and informative workshop.
If there are any questions about the registration process or about the Wellness Day, contact the church office at 215-945-5502 or office@emilieumc.com
We look forward to seeing you on May 20th, 2017!