Children’s Ministry

We have a variety of Children’s Ministry events and programs throughout the year. 

Sunday Morning Activities

Children 5 & under

Little Children’s Club [8:45-9:45 AM] nursery

Little Children’s Club is our version of Sunday School for children age 5 & under. We provide a unique way to introduce little ones to Jesus and His love. In ministering to all the needs of babies, toddlers and preschoolers, a foundation of trust is established between the church and parents. Our lessons are designed to give small children a first impression of their loving heavenly Father by focusing on Jesus and His love!

During Worship [9:45-11:15 AM] nursery

We provide a safe and caring environment for your precious little ones – birth through age 5. In the nursery we don’t just babysit; we begin to teach our small children about Jesus.  Our nursery is staffed with qualified paid caregivers who are hired through the staff parish relations committee.  In addition several qualified caregivers volunteer their time in our nursery. The nursery is conveniently located near the Sanctuary. Our lessons are different during Sunday School and Children’s Church during the 10:00 AM Worship.

Children in grades 1-5

Bible Club [9:00-9:45 AM] Front Conference Room

Bible Club is our version of Sunday School. We provide learning experiences connecting with multiple senses that engage the whole child in learning. This happens through creative activities, storytelling and learning games. Children use their Bibles with with each weeks Bible lesson. About half the year is spent in the Old Testament and half the year in the New Testament. Elementary-age kids are in a constant state of discovery, so just like Jesus, we use everyday things to teach important truths. Discovering the Bible this way is fun!

Sunday Evening for children

God Squad for 2nd-5th graders

God Squad offers an opportunity for youth in grades 2-5 to experience an incredible, personal friendship with Jesus through Biblical points, activities, games, and prayer. In addition, our children build lasting friendships with other Christians and work to make a difference within the church and the community.    

God Squad meets Sunday evenings from 6:00 to 7:30 PM, September to May in the Common Ground Meeting Room.