Covid- 19 Announcements

Updated: November 3, 2020
*In-Person Worship to begin, Sunday November 8th at 8:15AM*
Dear Emilie Congregation and Community,
We are so thankful that we are able to open the doors of Emilie for in-person worship and would like to make you aware of the changes that you will see/ experience beginning November 8th.
A video walk-through of the building and what to expect when you return can also be found on the church website.
Most important: if you are an at-risk individual, if you are sick, have been around someone who is sick, or if you are just not yet comfortable coming back for in-person worship wearing a mask and following the guidelines below, we ask that you continue to worship from home. Emilie will continue to offer online AND call-in worship, so you can choose the option that works best for you and your family.
Entrances: Everyone is asked to enter either through the glass doors at the front of the church or the 3 red doors off of the back parking lot.
Masks: Everyone must wear a mask covering your mouth & nose while during worship and while inside the building. Note: Face shields do not replace the need to wear a face mask, covering your mouth & nose.
Sanitizing: Hand sanitizer will be available at all entrances.
Attendance: We kindly ask that you sign in, so that we have an in-house record of who was present for in-person worship. This list is for church use only, if needed for contact tracing.
Social Distancing: Inside the building we ask that you please keep social distance and only sit in the available pews, which have been calculated out to allow for proper 6ft social distancing.
Bathrooms: There are now 2 unisex & handicap accessible bathrooms near the glass door entrance to the church that we ask everyone to use on Sunday mornings as needed. The bathrooms in the Day School are to be used only by the school for the time being as a way to minimize possible contamination risks to the children and workers of our Day School.
Prayer requests: Please continue to submit your prayer requests in one of the following ways: you may submit your request online (, leave the message on the office voicemail (215-945-5502), or you may email it to the church office (
Offering: Everyone is invited to continue to give online, by mail or you may drop your giving in the designated box on your way into worship. For now we will not be passing an offering plate.
Communion Sundays: Modifications have been made to how we will partake in communion together as a church. As you enter the sanctuary you can take a pre-packaged communion cup from the table in the narthex. We ask that you hold onto this until instructed to open it during the service.
Children in Worship: see page 2 of Special Edition Newsletter (CLICK HERE) for what to expect.
Singing at Emilie: see page 2 Special Edition Newsletter (CLICK HERE) for what to expect.
Please know that all of the new procedures were thought out using guidelines offered by the CDC as well as the EPA UMC Conference leadership. Our main focus is providing a safe worship environment for all of our church family. We ask that you follow the guidelines as well, as a way to show love and care to your neighbor.
“‘Let each of you look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others.” Philippians 2:4
Note: We do not know what the future holds and there may come a time in the near/distant future where we may need to once again suspend in person worship for the safety of everyone in our community
Please continue to contact us at the church office 215-945-5502, and the staff and leadership at the e-mails below. The church office staff will be monitoring voicemail and e-mail, and will return your messages just as soon as we can.
For emergencies, please contact call the pastor call line at 215-945-5503.
Pastor Mike | Jessica Keller |
Ann Ermer | Pam Tice |
Cindy Calderone | Gary Tice |
Ryan Fleming | Sue Lowe |
Ken Hahn | Al Sylvester |
Please continue to give electronically as you are able at, or mail in your tithes to the church office at Emilie UMC, 7300 New Falls Road, Levittown, PA 19055
God bless you all! Emilie staff and leadership
*LEADERSHIP TEAM members are STAFF: Pastor Mike Roberts, Cindy Calderone, Ann Ermer, Ryan Fleming, Jessica Keller, Tami Lewis; VOLUNTEER LEADERS: Susan Lowe– treasurer & chair of Finance, Albert Sylvester-chair SPRC, Gary Tice-chair Church Council, Pam Tice-Lay Leader, Representative TBD- Trustees
CURRENT Emilie UMC Statements
Emilie UMC statement – November 2020
Emilie UMC Leadership Contacts
Please continue to contact us at the church office 215-945-5502, and the staff and leadership at the e-mails below. The church office staff will be monitoring voicemail and e-mail, and will return your messages just as soon as we can.
Pastor Mike | Jessica Keller |
Ann Ermer | Pam Tice |
Cindy Calderone | Gary Tice |
Ryan Fleming | Sue Lowe |
Ken Hahn | Al Sylvester |
Keeping in touch through the quarantine

215-945-5502 or
If at any time you would like to be contacted by a member of the staff, please reach out through email addresses listed above, or by calling either the church office (215-945-5502) or Pastor on Call line (215-945-5503).